I bet you struggled a bit when you read the title and tried to guess what it is about.
I am telling you. It is a crap name that investment professionals have given to the process of “knowing what to do with people's private money”.
Do you like the name? You probably agree that is not sexy and cool. But you will like it after finding out how powerful this process is.
To make things better, let’s call it WMS. And this is even easier to remember because the first letter is equal to second letter upside down. Plus a little S for Statement.
Ouch, of course W stands for Wealth and M for Management.
And you are going to remember it forever!
Do you remember when you read about hard and soft skills in a previous post (and if you have not done it, make sure you do). And you were told to forget the hard skills part? Well, do the opposite now. This powerful tool (WMS) is your holy grail, your morning star, your compass, your ship’s wheel. It is the hardest of the hard tools.
So, excited to know how to use it? You will get there. But before you do, swear to yourself that you will take the WMS extremely seriously and make sure you understand the holy importance of this magic tool.
You do not want to take so much information in one go. So take the time to rest, have a walk, breath fresh hair and prepare yourself to learn the most powerful tool to build your wealth.
You will find it in the next teaching.
WMS is coming to your life. Welcome it.