Millennials are the richest. They posses the most valuable resource of their life: time.
You cannot buy time unless you time travel, or you live longer. While the former is yet impossible in practice, the latter is starting to become a reality (e.g. cryonics), but still.
However if you are neither a millennial nor approaching retirement nor anywhere in between, there is lots that you can do. You probably have amassed wealth somewhere that is being used inefficiently and a bit of help is what you need. Having a good conversation with someone you trust and who is skilled in managing and advising people on wealth management is the first big step in the right direction. If you want, you can start here.
But what is the right direction?
It is managing your wealth effectively.
This is achieved through 3 fundamental steps, and there is a possibility that you might have done some of them already, but inefficiently. Do not despair. You can fix what is wrong. And you have to do it soon.
In the ideal world you should start first Building your wealth.
Then once your wealth is substantial enough that allows you to maintain a certain lifestyle, it is time to Preserve it.
Lastly, you can Distribute it, if you want.
Again, in an ideal world, if you are intelligent, you start early and go through each of the above steps. There is one among these 3 steps that is very important, probably the most important. Try to have a guess. Thanks Aristotle when he reminded us that "who has well begun is half done". The first step is the most important of all indeed, and the most difficult.
Think about when you were at elementary school and learned how to read and write for the first time. Some of you may well remember how painful it was, even with the word "apple". It is the same for managing your wealth. You have to start well, and soon.
Do not waste time. Seek help. Start somewhere. Here you will find the help you need. So be brave enough to reach out.